Thursday, August 14, 2014

Happy B'day India

Hey dear Today is your B’day, you must be very excited, must have plans for b’day. Some millions of people are going to celebrate your birthday like they do every year  for past 67 years.
You are a lovely darling of us. You have given us an identity to stand with the crowd in the world. We all speak different languages, we eat different food, we worship different gods, ( some of us even don’t worship), but still you have bond us together. Actually we don’t have anything in common except the identity as your kids.
It is a sheer happiness moment whenever we see any of us walking on the roads here some thousand miles away from you, we can connect them easily, we can share your bond with them and starts talking , after talking for some time we manage to find something common in us, it may b language, food, religion, or city where we belongs to. This small encounters reminds us of you. The happiness in communicating in our mother tongue is just beyond words. We stay here like others but develop our familiar world inside the walls. After closing the doors we are in our land where we cherish our culture, ideals , religion, language everything close to our heart. My other brothers are spread over the world and happily they are spreading our culture, taking your pride on a new height.

Thanks dear ‘INDIA’ for giving us values, and teaching us peaceful coexistence. We are proud to call us Indians. Happy B’day India… We are far away from you but you are always close to our heart..

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